International SAKURA Consulting

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Company Profiles International SAKURA Cousulting has established as an LLC on Dec., 7, 2017
(The capital: three million yen)

President: Yoshito SAKURAI

He has experiences in International Standardization activities for 20 yeas in Hitachi, Ltd. In particular, in ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and ISO/IEC JTC 1 (Joint Technical Committee of ISO and IEC), he participated a lot of committees as an active member. He has kept his personal relationships with members in these committees.

He retired Hitachi, Ltd. on Sept., 30, 2017, and established his own company.
Curriculum Vitae of the President 1980 He joind Hitachi, Ltd. and involved into R&D of telecommunication equipment
1999 - He moved Information & Telecommunication Division as a staff and mainly involved international standardization matters.
2001-2016 A member of ITU/TSAG (ITU-T Advisory Group)
2008-2009 A member of ISO/IEC JTC 1/Study Group on Sensor Networks
2008-2010 An editor of ITU-T/Focus Group on ICT & Climate Change
2010-2012 A member of ITU-T/SG5 WP3 (ICTand Climate Change)
2009-2013 A member of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG on Smart Grid
2010-2012 A vice chaiman of ITU-T/FG on Smart Grid
2010-2013 A member of ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 7 (Sensor Networks)
2013-2015 A member of JTC 1/SG on Smart Cities
2014-2017 A member of JTC 1/WG10 (Internet of Things)
2015-2017 A member of ITU-T/SG20 (IoT and its application including smart cities)
2015 A speaker in WSIS (Geneva) Country Workshop Japan
2015 A tutor of Centers of Excellence Network for Asia-Pacific Region
               Training on Green ICTs and Smart Grids (ITU-D in Bangkok)
2016-2017 A member of ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 11 (Smart Cities)
2017-2019 A member of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SG 41 (IoT and related things) 
2021         A member of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 6 (Data usage)
2021-       A member of ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 11 (Smart Cities)
2021-       A member of ISO/TC 268/SC 1/WG 4 (Data exchange and sharing for smart community infrastructures)
Abbriviations ITU; Internatioal Telecommunication Union
(ITU-T; Telecommunication Standard Bureau, ITU-D; Development Bureau)
ISO/IEC JTC 1GISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee
WSIS; World Summit on Information Societies
ICT; Information & Communications Technologies
IoT; Internet of Things
SG; Study Group, WG; Working Group, FG; Focus Group, WP; Working Party

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